Thursday, December 19, 2013

Period 2 Bill Brandt Photos

My group liked Bill Brandt for his close up pictures.Bill Brandt was a german photographer.I liked the shadows he had in the pictures.We enjoyed taking pictures like him.His style was very interesting.Only black and white photos,but they were very interesting to look at.The pictures i took were the fun moments we were having taking pictures.Thats why i liked them.We tried to get our pictures as similar as possible to Bill Brandt's pictures.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Bill Brandt

                                                                                                                                                            'Instead of photographing what I saw, I photographed what the camera was seeing.'-Bill Brandt  Bill Brandts major success was in portraits I picked Bill Brandt because he was really talented with black and white portraits.He was really creative as well.His first and his last pictures were portraits.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

afterI chose to crop this way because i wanted to focus on that part of the picture and i loved the color of it.The vibrancy was great.
after      I chose to crop the picture this way because it amazed me was the girl  with the bubble and i wanted a focus on the bubble and the girl i wanted the color of the bubble to stand out.The composition i used was fill the frame.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The canon rebel T31 features are:Full HD Movie Mode,3.7 fps (frames per second),and 3" Clear View TFT-LCD monitor.The full HD movie mode is great for expanded recording.Also great for exposure control.The  3.7 fps is good for continuos shooting.Last but not least the clear monitor has 100% coverage,160 degree angle,and antireflective and water-repellent coating.                                                                                                                        

before and after group picture

Photography first started with using camera obscura which was latin for the dark room.They had a room and they had a hole that would focus on what they were taking a picture of . Images were upside down and no one knew why they would come out  that way.They would process the image on the wall or piece of paper.Exposure would last for eight hours.In 1901 Kodak Brownie was introduced,becoming the first commercial camera.The first practical color plate was developed in 1907.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pop Lavel

Pop Laval took photos of yosemite,but he didnt get paid for them.He took negatives of the beautiful scenery.The people that would go visit yosemite would pay him for the pictures he took of them.For example family gatherings. Photography of incidents that happened there in yosemiteLaval  brought the first of the new fangled “movie” cameras to the Valley. He also recorded family gatherings with the movie.He was hired for news reports for california.In which he recorded .If i was photographing yosemite i would take pictures of the trees and lakes.Maybe of the people who visit yosemite too.I would look for something that really catches my attention.Something that leaves me in awe or i cant help staring at.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Photo Booth

The photo booth was more significant because it was a different way to take photos.Police and prison used it for mug shots.Women would strip in the photo booth as well.Teens would squeeze into the booths to take pictures. Celebrities would also take photo booth pictures,celebrities like Marilyn Monroe,Audrey Hepburn, Truman Capote and Ethel Merman.The companies would make a lot of money off the photo booths.It is still used to this day all around the world.It helps express peoples feelings.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

 I chose glow because i like how it makes the picture look bright.
 I chose black and white because it makes it looks like the old pictures that didn't have color.
 I chose color pencil because it looks shaded and it looks like im hiding behind the shade.
 I chose pop art because it has very different variation of colors.
I chose normal because it shows how my friend and i really look.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Elements Of Art

The elements of art are perceived through the senses.The six important parts of elements of art are:texture,space,shape,color,tone,and line.Texture is the quality of is Space is the area provided for a particular purpose. Space includes the background, foreground and middle ground. Space refers to the distances or areas around, between or within things. Has two kinds: negative and positive.
Shape is  the geometric areas that are defined by edges.Defined as primary colors (red,yellow,blue) which cannot be mixed in pigment from other hues, secondary colours (green, orange, violet) which are directly mixed from combinations of primary colors.Value, or tone, refers to the use of light and dark, shade and highlight, in an artworka mark that spans a distance between two points (or the path of a moving point), taking any form along the way. I will use the elements of art in my next project by using my some of my  senses to take pictures of sports.My project is about sports.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013                                              On photo focus i learned that theres a story with the photo.Always fill the frame with the main subject.Always check the frames and make sure there aren't any intruders in the photo.Eye goes to the brightest part of the scene.Add depth and shoot vertically.Use patterns and use lines.Use s curves and shoot at the subjects eye level.Make sure there are separation between multiple subject.Dont center everything unless theres a reason.Dont let the horizon fall at the dead center of the picture.                                                                                                                            In this site i learned rule of thirds and balancing elements.Drawing lines is your eyes natural look drawn along lines.Symmetry and patterns are eye catching composition.Viewpoint is important in composition. Background doesn't distract people from the subject. Depth is two dimensional.                                             Here i learned about the Rule of Thirds,Where to place the horizon line,Lean Into the Frame,Leading lines,Patterns & Textures,


Thursday, August 29, 2013


     Light                                                                                                                                                                   Each  person had a different shade of light.Whenever i stepped in the light the light would bounce off my black shirt compared to my other group members that were wearing white it would be absorbed. One of my group members had glasses and the light would shine at the edges of her lenses. If someone was half in the light half out the light,the light  would be more concentrated on the side that was on the light. It felt awkward having people observing me in the light,but the longer they looked at me the less awkward it felt.I felt the warmth of the light on my face as i looked up at it through the skylight.On my group members faces their faces would glow in the light.